Category: Ministry TO the Lord

  • My Thought Life

    Character of God God is the Omniscient One, the all-knowing Creator who understands our thoughts completely. His knowledge is not limited by time or space; He comprehends our innermost being, including every thought that crosses our minds. This divine attribute is beautifully expressed in Psalm 139:2 (NASB): “You know when I sit down and when… Read full text…

  • How in the End Times There will be a False Peace

    Character of God In the context of end times and false peace, we are reminded of God’s omniscience and sovereignty. Our Lord is all-knowing, aware of every detail of history before it unfolds. He is not surprised by the deceptions of the enemy or the false promises of peace that will come. God’s sovereignty means… Read full text…

  • Social Media

    Character of God God is omniscient and omnipresent. In the context of social media, we can reflect on how God’s all-knowing and ever-present nature extends to our digital interactions. He sees and knows every post, comment, and message we send or receive. This reminds us of our responsibility to honor Him in all our communications,… Read full text…

  • Adonai

    Character of God Adonai, often translated as “Lord” in English Bibles, is a powerful name of God that emphasizes His sovereignty and authority. This title portrays God as the ultimate ruler, the master of all creation, and the one to whom we owe our allegiance and obedience. Adonai speaks to God’s supreme power and control… Read full text…

  • Family

    Character of God God is the perfect Father and the architect of family. His nature as a relational being is reflected in the very concept of family. In the Trinity, we see the ultimate example of perfect familial love and unity between the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. This divine relationship serves as the model… Read full text…

  • A Life Lived and Death

    Character of God God is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end (Revelation 22:13). This characteristic of God speaks to His eternal nature and sovereignty over all of creation, including life and death. He is the author of life, breathing existence into every living being (Genesis 2:7), and He holds the keys to… Read full text…

  • Going for a Walk with my Dad

    Character of God As we reflect on going for a walk with our earthly fathers, we are reminded of God’s nature as our Heavenly Father. The Bible often portrays God as a loving, caring Father who guides and protects His children. This image is beautifully captured in Psalm 103:13, which states, “As a father has… Read full text…

  • Character of God

    Character of God God’s omniscience is a profound and awe-inspiring attribute that sets Him apart as the supreme being of the universe. Omniscience means that God possesses complete and perfect knowledge of all things – past, present, and future. This characteristic encompasses not only factual information but also every thought, intention, and possibility across all… Read full text…

  • Driving My Son to School

    Character of God: Faithfulness As you drive your son to school, consider the faithfulness of God. His unwavering commitment to His promises and His presence in our lives is a source of comfort and assurance. God is faithful in every situation, guiding us through challenges and joys alike. Reflect on how His faithfulness can inspire… Read full text…

  • Understanding God’s Wrath: Reflections on Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, and Supplication

    Adoration: Thoughts to Consider:When we reflect on the wrath of God, it reminds us of His holiness, justice, and righteousness. God’s wrath is not arbitrary; it is a response to sin and injustice. In our adoration, we acknowledge His perfect nature and the seriousness of sin. Scripture: Confession: Thoughts to Consider:Understanding God’s wrath leads us… Read full text…