Category: Ministry TO the Lord

  • Understanding God’s Wrath: Reflections on Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, and Supplication

    Adoration: Thoughts to Consider:When we reflect on the wrath of God, it reminds us of His holiness, justice, and righteousness. God’s wrath is not arbitrary; it is a response to sin and injustice. In our adoration, we acknowledge His perfect nature and the seriousness of sin. Scripture: Confession: Thoughts to Consider:Understanding God’s wrath leads us… Read full text…

  • Rose

    Adoration: Thoughts to Consider: The rose is often seen as a symbol of beauty, love, and grace. Just as a rose blooms and reveals its vibrant colors, we can reflect on the beauty of God’s character, His love for us, and His grace that sustains us. Scripture: Confession: Thoughts to Consider: Just as a rose has thorns,… Read full text…

  • George Mueller

    Adoration: Thoughts to Consider: Müller’s life was a testament to the greatness of God and His faithfulness. When we adore God, we recognize His sovereignty, love, and power. Müller often praised God for His provision and guidance, demonstrating a heart that reveres and worships the Lord. Scripture: Confession: Thoughts to Consider: Müller understood the importance of confessing… Read full text…

  • My Computer

    Adoration: Thoughts to Consider:Reflect on how technology, including your computer, can be a tool for creativity, learning, and connecting with others. Praise God for the wisdom and ingenuity He has given humanity to create such tools. Scripture: Confession: Thoughts to Consider:Consider how you may have misused your computer—perhaps spending too much time on social media,… Read full text…

  • Smartphone

    Adoration: Thoughts to Consider:Reflect on how the smartphone can be a tool to connect with God. Consider the vastness of God’s creation and the wisdom He imparts through technology. Praise Him for the ability to access His Word, worship music, and teachings at our fingertips. Scriptures: Confession: Thoughts to Consider:Acknowledge how smartphones can sometimes lead… Read full text…

  • Wrath of God

    Adoration: Thoughts to Consider:When we reflect on the wrath of God, it reminds us of His holiness, justice, and righteousness. God’s wrath is not arbitrary; it is a response to sin and injustice. In our adoration, we acknowledge His perfect nature and the seriousness of sin. Scripture: Confession: Thoughts to Consider:Understanding God’s wrath leads us… Read full text…

  • Shoes

    Adoration: Thoughts to Consider: Scripture: Confession: Thoughts to Consider: Scripture: Thanksgiving: Thoughts to Consider: Scripture: Supplication: Thoughts to Consider: Scripture: May these reflections and Scriptures help deepen your prayer life and guide you in your relationship with God! Read full text…

  • Bamboo

    Adoration: Bamboo is a wonderful example of God’s creative genius. Its strength, flexibility, and resilience remind us of God’s power and wisdom. Reflect on these attributes of God as you admire the bamboo. Scripture: Psalm 104:24 – “How many are your works, LORD! In wisdom you made them all; the earth is full of your… Read full text…

  • A Tea Cup

    Adoration: Consider how a teacup is made with purpose and design, much like you are by God. The teacup, with its delicate and beautiful design, can remind us of the intricate and wonderful way God has made us. We can adore God for His creativity, His attention to detail, and His purposeful design in our… Read full text…

  • Money

    Adoration: Thoughts to Consider: Scripture: Confession: Thoughts to Consider: Scripture: Thanksgiving: Thoughts to Consider: Scripture: Supplication: Thoughts to Consider: Scripture: These reflections and Scriptures can guide you in your prayer life, helping you to focus on God’s character, confess any missteps, express gratitude for His provision, and seek His guidance in your financial matters. Read full text…